Inspirativni filmovi

Knjige, videi, filmovi, pesme, slike, citati, afirmacije, priče
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by Sunrise »

Dusica wrote:Prvo sto mi padne na pamet:

Sta mi uopste znamo 1 dio

Sta mi uopste znamo 2 dio

Louise Hay - Ti možeš izliječiti svoj život ... re=related

PS i ja se slazem za film sa Vil Smitom da je odlican i definitiivno ga svako treba pogledati
Nisam znao da postoji drugi dio filma :) Super! Hvala Dusice.
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by snezana »

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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by Sunrise »

Preporucujem film The Home, dokumentarac o nasoj Planeti. ... ton&wide=1
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by BIONA » ... 4.facebook

Za mene licno inspirativan film o covjeku koji je prvi plivao na Sjevernom polu, jer je imao zelju da skrene paznju odgovornim ljudima za klimatske promjene !
Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." - Napoleon Hill
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by Dusica »

Nema na cemu Sunrise, mada po meni dovoljan je samo prvi dio, ali pogledaj u svakom slucaju i drugi.
Sve macke su lijepe, ali moj macak je najljepsi :)
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by tirkiznimrav »

vesna wrote: Za mene je inspirativan film The Pursuit of Happyness sa Vil Smitom.
Gledao sam The Pursuit of Happyness, i na mene je ostavio utisak, izuzetno lep film.
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by Sunrise »

Jos neki filmovi (ovo nije za gledanje direktno, vec samo link za detalje o filmu):

Radio (1993)
The story of a high school coach and the developmentally challenged man whom he took under his wing.

John Q
A down-on-his luck father, whose insurance won't cover his son's heart transplant, takes the hospital's emergency room hostage until the doctors agree to perform the operation.

Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments, but his true love, Jenny, eludes him
Vjecni sjaj nepobjedivog uma
A couple undergo a procedure to erase each other from their memories when their relationship turns sour, but it is only through the process of loss that they discover what they had to begin with.

Prava frekvencija
An accidental cross-time radio link connects father and son across 30 years. The son tries to save his father's life, but then must fix the consequences.

Dobri Will Hunting
Dobri Will Hunting (1997)
Will Hunting, a janitor at MIT, has a gift for mathematics but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life.
Rain man
Selfish yuppie Charlie Babbitt's father left a fortune to his savant brother Raymond and a pittance to Charlie; they travel cross-country.

Trumanov sou
An insurance salesman/adjuster discovers his entire life is actually a TV show.

Waking Life
A man shuffles through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe.

The victims of an encephalitis epidemic many years ago have been catatonic ever since, but now a new drug offers the prospect of reviving them.
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by mima »

Last edited by mima on 06 Feb 2013, 14:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by Trinity »

EAT, PRAY, LOVE...uvek mogu da ga gledam. Više razloga:

- Javier Bardem!! mislim volim i Juliu Roberts, ali on mi je nekako omiljeniji ;)
- fantastična muzika - Florenece and the Machine, the Dog Days are over (obavezno slušati na max, velika verovatnoća je da počnete i da igrate i skačete uz tu muziku), a tek Eddie Vedder i Better Days (slušati više puta na dan)
- prelepi pejzaži u filmu
- lepa, priča o slobodi, traganju i pronalaženju sebe i HAPPY END !!!
- i ono što se meni lično svidja - ona je na početku depresivna i sasvim u jednoj lošoj fazi, ali je sve vreme beskrajno duhovita.

I feel a part of the Universe.....................a kad Eddie Vedder to kaže, ja mu verujem :D . Dole je cela pesma Better Days i trailer iz filma. Uživajte!
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Re: Inspirativni filmovi

Post by Vina »

Dusica wrote:Sta mi uopste znamo 1 dio

Sta mi uopste znamo 2 dio

Louise Hay - Ti možeš izliječiti svoj život ... re=related
Ovo su za mene pravi dragulji i filmovi koji su APSOLUTNO uticali na moj život u najpozitivnijem i najkreativnijem smislu.

Film Sta mi uopste znamo postoji i u svom produženom izdanju od čak pet sati!!! Toplo preporučujem da ga pogledate, zamislite to, pet sati takvih snažnih informacija, ja sam odlepila od toga! Fenomenalno! Postoji link na torentima koga zanima nek se javi na pm :)
Ti si ono o čemu razmišljaš najveći deo vremena.
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