DV, dok sam trazila avatar sam nasla i ovu pricicu a slicica je bila ilustracija price (prevescu je nekako ako ima potrebe Ivane) :
There is a Native American legend of an elder telling his grandson about the two wolves that live within each of us.
One wolf is evil. He feeds our anger, fear. sorrow, resentment, greed, envy, ego, hate, and lies.The other wolf is good. He feeds our joy, love, hope, peace, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, and compassion. These two wolves are fighting inside of us for control of who we become.
The grandson thought about this for a moment and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The grandfather simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Which wolf are you feeding?
Clanica se nimalo nije promenila
upoznala sam neke ljude pa sam morala da napisem takav predhodan post
zapitala sam se u sekundi '
'gde vam je sirina u sagledavanju stvari'' ... i taman kada sam to htela to da izustim , kucnulo me je nesto po glavi i krenula sam mojoj kucici da vidim sta ima na forumu novo